Chromotherapy Hydro BS
Chromotherapy Hydro BS is easy, pleasant, of course completely painless and most of all without any side effects. It is based on the perception that each of the existing colorsof the spectrum acts on specific parts of the humanorganism resulting in the person’s physical and mental health.
Chromotherapy Hydro BS in hydro - massage is achieved by installing a device in the bathtub that channels light through color filters. The bather has the option of activating or deactivating the system, as well as choosing the desired color with the use of a switch (button) placed on the bathtub at a suitable place. In Chromotherapy 11 basic colors are used: white, light blue, blue, violet, fuchia, red, pink, orange, yellow, green apple, green and other colors as well. There is also the ability of automatically alternating colors from the bathtub’s button which provides the function of five different programs of chromo-therapy and can be adjusted to every acrylic bathtub and spa.
Available programs of chromo-therapy Hydro BS for acrylic bathtubs and spas.
Colors: red, orange, yellow, white, orange (30 seconds’ duration for each color)
Colors: yellow, red, green (30 seconds’ duration for each color)
Colors: blue, green, white, green (30 seconds’ duration for each color)
Colors: yellow, orange, light blue, yellow, white (15-20 seconds’ duration for each color)
Colors: green, blue, light blue, white, orange, red, violet (60 seconds’ duration for each color)